Based on measurements of humidity and the temperature at a height of 1.6 meters and at the surface of the planet, we can estimate the amount of water that is absorbed. Our measurements from the Curiosity rover’s weather monitoring station show that these conditions exist at night and just after sunrise in the winter. “We have discovered the substance calcium perchlorate in the soil and, under the right conditions, it absorbs water vapour from the atmosphere.

In over 2½ years, Curiosity has travelled approximately 10 km from the landing site towards Mount Sharp and has carried out many studies along the way. In the middle of the crater lies the mountain, Mount Sharp. The giant crater is 154 kilometers in diameter and the rim of the crater is almost 5 kilometers high. In August 2012, the Mars rover Curiosity landed on Mars in the large crater, Gale, located just south of the equator. The sediment plates at the bottom are level, so everything indicates that the entire Gale Crater may have been a large lake. Very fine-grained sediments, which slowly fell down through the water, were deposited right at the bottom of the crater lake. The image is from ‘Hidden Valley’ in Gale Crater on Mars.