Gurps espionage pdf download
Gurps espionage pdf download

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Disclaimer: Shhhhhh! We shouldn’t be telling you this, but there may or may not be a mole in your ranks. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission, apart from the Open Game Content declared here. (Elements exclusively derived from Open Game Content are not included in this declaration.) The following is identified as Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(d): All rules text, mechanics, and any material derived solely from Open Game Content. The following is identified as product identity (as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Game Content: All proper nouns (except real names or locations), artworks, characters, dialogue, plots, storylines, and trade dress. THANKS TO Chris Birch, Cameron Dicks, and everyone at Modiphius, Tom Busby, Encounter Roleplay, EN World (morrus), Donathin Frye, Garry Harper, itmeJP, and the Pledge Manager Team This PDF is published under the Open Game License (OGL). INTERNAL ILLUSTRATIONS Avery Andruszkiewicz, Mohammad Chowdhury, Rachel Denton, Lucas Ferreira, CM, Chaim Garcia, Susanah Grace, Victoria MacQuarrie, Shauna Nakasone

gurps espionage pdf download

LAYOUT AND GRAPHIC DESIGN Mark Whittington MILITARY CONSULTANTS Michael Barry and Adam Potts PLAYTESTERS Nicholas Crowther, Andrew Gunning, Michael Gunning, Zack Keedy, Oz Mills, Virginia Paige, Adam Potts, Charlie Smith, James Sutherland Smith, and Ashley Webb Variant: Cinematic and Realistic ReloadingĪDDITIONAL WRITING BY Eric Campbell, Oz Mills, Virginia Page and Rob WielandĮDITING AND PROOFING James Barry, Susanah Grace, Virginia Page, and Sam Webb

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